Tuesday 6 September 2016

Using an ESP-12f for remote control

It may be possible to get rid of the Xbee and arduino approach and replace it with a single ESP-12f in the robot and a browser app to control it.

Parts list:
Perfect USB to TTL Converter CH340G STC 5V/3.3V 6Pin UART Serial Adapter Module from ebay for £0.99
Picture of B- USB to TTL UART Module CH340 3.3V/5V Serial Converter 

Note that I left the jumper across the OFF and 3.3v pins so that RX,TX are 3.3v compatible.

ESP8266 ESP-12F WiFi Wireless Wi-Fi Module + Vertical Breakout Board, UK, FAST for £5.85. Yes a bit expensive but I liked the breakout board.

3.3V power supply.

Connecting these together is given in many places.The figure below comes from http://www.instructables.com/id/Getting-Started-with-the-ESP8266-ESP-12/Picture of Make the connections

To send AT commands use the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE with baudrate set to 115200

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